The Fascinating Secrets and Mysteries of the Pyramids of Giza

This was made possible by a specially designed canal system leading to the harbor. This allowed the workers to easily move the heavy load. Just a few meters from the base of the pyramid, they then maneuvered the blocks upwards.

Answers on papyrus

The ancient papyrus was written by Merer, a supervisor who was responsible for a team of 40 elite workers. It is the only firsthand account of the construction of the Great Pyramid.

The records describe in detail how the limestone blocks were transported downstream from Tura to Giza. Archaeologists are in awe of these new pieces of information, admiring the planners of that time.

Filling in the gaps

It has long been known that the granite in the inner chamber of the pyramid came from Aswan, located 850 kilometers south of Giza, and the limestone from Tura, 13 kilometers away.

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