The Fascinating Secrets and Mysteries of the Pyramids of Giza

3D images reveal the chambers of the 4,600-year-old structure. According to unanimous evaluations, the images clearly show that the bent pyramid conceals another secret chamber.

Mehdi Tayoubi

Mehdi Tayoubi, one of the project leaders, states that within the pyramid, there are plates that collect data on radiological particles known as muons.

Muons fall from the Earth’s atmosphere and can be absorbed by empty spaces. Scientists believe that they can learn more about the construction of the bent pyramid, which has two entrances and two corridors leading to two superimposed burial chambers.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops

“For the first time, the inner structure of the pyramid has been discovered using muon particles. The resulting images clearly show the second chamber of the pyramid, which is about 60 feet (approximately 18 meters) above the lower chamber where the emulsion plates are placed,” says Tayoubi.

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