White lines in the body causes and treatment

White lines are one of the most important problems that a very large group of girls and women suffer from at the present time, as they are stretch marks that affect the skin. It causes permanent and annoying lines and is considered one of the cases that are difficult to treat, and in this topic we will discuss the white lines in the body and what are their causes and treatment on our website.

What are the causes of the appearance of white lines in the body?

There are many reasons that lead to the appearance of white lines in the body. It can appear, for different people of different ages and different conditions. Below we discuss the most important reasons, which can lead to the appearance of white lines in the body.


Which is considered one of the most important reasons that lead to the appearance of white lines, in the abdominal area. This is because the skin stretches greatly during pregnancy, and then shrinks again after childbirth. Therefore, white lines are the most important signs that appear after pregnancy.


As the passage of puberty quickly. This will cause the white lines to be infected. As a result of the growth of certain areas of the body significantly.


The rapid increase in weight is one of the most important reasons that lead to the appearance of stretch marks and white lines.

Infection with some types of diseases

The most important of which is Marfan’s disease, which is one of the factors that lead to white lines.

Regular exercise for long periods of time

And then boycotted it all of a sudden, which is one of the factors.

Those that increase the rate of occurrence of white lines in the body, as a result of sagging skin again.

Exposure to the sun for long periods without using sunscreen

The harmful rays of the sun are one of the biggest factors that negatively affect the skin.

It causes skin fatigue, reduces collagen production and reduces skin elasticity.

Hence, it helps in increasing the rate of the appearance of white lines in the body.

Long-term use of some types of medication

One of the most important is cortisone.

Which is one of the most important types of drugs, which causes the appearance of stretch marks and white lines.

This is because they reduce the effectiveness of collagen in the skin.

This is in addition to the bad effect of cortisone on the body in general.

It causes many serious health conditions that must be avoided.

What problems help the emergence of white lines in the body?

There are many auxiliary factors, which can cause the appearance of white lines in the body, the most important of which are the following.

Genetic factors

Which is one of the most important factors helping the emergence of white lines.

Body mass index before pregnancy.

Fetal weight before birth.

Having some types of chronic diseases that cause weight gain.

Abuse of some types of harmful drugs on the skin.

Not paying attention to the health of the skin, not moisturizing it and exposing it to the factors of dehydration and cracking.

Not using sunscreen.

Which protects the skin from many harmful side effects of sunlight.

What are the treatment methods used to reduce the appearance of white lines?

There are many types of treatments, which can be resorted to in the case of white lines.

Treatment of white lines with topical treatments

Which is one of the most common types of treatments, which a large group of girls and women rely on at the present time.

Especially for minor cases, as this helps greatly in treating the appearance of white lines.

There are also many types of creams in the market, in which companies compete to make the best creams to treat white and red lines.

One of the most popular topical creams at the moment is Demark cream.

Treatment of white lines using a needle injection

Acupuncture is one of the most successful ways to treat lines, especially at the beginning of the case.

As the laser beams greatly help to treat it, and reduce its appearance clearly.

It is recommended to continue the sessions, in order to obtain satisfactory results for the treatment.

There are also many types of lasers used in treatment, including cold lasers.

There are also many types of devices found in cosmetic medical centers.

Each of them is used according to the condition and its aggravation.

Some important tips and instructions to avoid the appearance of white lines in the body

Regular exercise is considered.

Keeping the skin tight is one of the most important factors that greatly help reduce the appearance of white lines.

It increases the elasticity of the skin.

Maintain healthy food intake, which contains large amounts of nutrients beneficial to skin health.

Which also prevents signs of aging over time.

Moisturize the body on a daily basis.

As this helps significantly to reduce the rate of appearance of white lines significantly.

Drink plenty of water.

Which helps to moisturize the internal body, thus maintaining the health of the skin and body in general.

Avoid taking medications that harm the health of the skin.

As well as making sure to use sunscreen on a regular basis.

As it should never be exposed to direct sunlight without applying sunscreen.

This is due to the dangerous effect of the sun’s rays on the skin

It also reduces the elasticity of the skin and causes damage to skin cells over time.

Does taking vitamins and nutritional supplements reduce the rate of the appearance of white lines?

There is no doubt that vitamins and supplements work to nourish the skin, and give it all the elements it needs to regenerate and remain in good health.

Hence, this enhances the elasticity of the skin, and increases the production of collagen and beneficial substances for the skin and skin.

Thus, skin problems and diseases, including lines, stretch marks and signs of aging, are reduced.

It is also worth noting that there are many types of vitamins on the market.

Which are intended for skin, skin and hair.
It is also the one that most girls and women rely on at the present time, to maintain their hair and skin.
At the end of the article, we have learned about the white plans that appear in the body, and what are their causes and treatment in some detail.
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