Ukraine: a first train from kyiv arrives in Kherson, a week...

A week after the withdrawal of Russian troops, the railway line between kyiv and Kherson resumed service on Friday, November 18. A week after the...

DIRECT. War in Ukraine: “We will be with you” until “Ukraine...

Rishi Sunak traveled to the Ukrainian capital on Saturday to "confirm UK support" for the country. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky...

Eurozapping: Inflation hits UK and Germany, Spain remembers oil spill

In England, the BBC is interested in the inflation that affects precarious families. In Bristol, Samuel lives alone with his two children on the...

Ethiopia: First UN food aid convoy to Tigray since ceasefire

Fifteen trucks entered this region on Wednesday, where 5.4 million people are in food distress according to the World Food Programme. A truck chartered by...

Russia-Ukraine war: Poland summons Russian ambassador after saying ‘Russian-made missile’ caused...

Poland says ‘Russian-made missile’ caused explosion The Polish foreign ministry has said that a “Russian-made missile” was responsible for killing two people in the...

India: discovering the living bridges of Meghalaya

In the northeast of India, in a subtropical forest, men have built bridges to cross these vast, sometimes rugged spaces. Living bridges made from...