Hiker’s Shocking Discovery Reveals Secret Experiment in the Forest

So, against his better judgment, James decided to head in the direction from which the noise seemed to originate. He had no idea how far he would have to go, but he was determined. Little did he know that turning back and going home would have been the best solution…

Is there something to discover?

The further James walked, the less certain he became about the path he was taking. He had never ventured so far into this forest. He hadn’t heard any more noise or anything similar since the first explosion.

He didn’t even know exactly what he was looking for. He was blindly moving forward, following a random noise, after all. Maybe he had already passed it, or perhaps there was nothing to find in the first place…

A big gray object

But James didn’t have to wait any longer, and he didn’t need to worry anymore whether he would be able to find the source of the noise. His eyes had found what they were looking for…

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