Russian Strike Leaves Over 50 Dead in Poltava, Ukraine

On Tuesday, a Russian bombardment targeted the city of Poltava in central Ukraine, resulting in at least 51 deaths and over 250 injuries. Kiev is requesting the delivery of anti-air defense systems from Western countries.

A Russian strike on Tuesday, September 3rd, caused at least 51 fatalities and over 200 injuries in the city of Poltava, Ukraine. A military training facility was hit, and a hospital was also damaged. This attack stands as one of the most deadly bombings since the onset of the war. The destruction was so extensive that rescue efforts continued well into Tuesday night to search through the rubble.

However, at this point, the identities of the victims, whether civilians or military personnel, remain unknown. No official statement has been issued on this matter, as is often the case when military personnel are affected. It is probable that the majority of those killed are soldiers participating in a military ceremony. Several independent military experts in Ukraine have suggested this possibility.

On the other hand, we have some insight into the sequence of events during the attack that caught the residents of Poltava off guard. Alarm sirens sounded at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, and just two minutes later, the two ballistic missiles struck the city. Typically, the time between the alarm and strike is around 20 to 30 minutes. Thus, the investigation will need to determine if there was a flaw in the alert system.

Many International Reactions

According to General Jérôme Pellistrandi, editor-in-chief of the Defense Nationale magazine, Ukrainians face the challenge that the territory they need to defend is extremely vast: “It’s 600,000 km², larger than France. They lack an adequate air defense system. Therefore, they need to make choices on whether to protect Kiev, Kharkiv, or Odessa. It is likely that in some areas, especially Poltava, there may not be sufficient ground-to-air missile systems to protect the airspace above. This will also prompt reflection on protecting cities and the presence of military installations in the middle of urban areas.”

Since Tuesday’s strike, various international reactions have emerged. Following the incident, the White House referred to the “brutality” of Vladimir Putin, while London denounced “disgusting aggression.” As a routine response after significant strikes, Ukrainian authorities are once again calling upon their Western partners for assistance.

“It is necessary for us to have new weapons to protect ourselves from attacks like the one in Poltava.” – Dmytro Kuleba, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, to CNN

“This is another reason why Ukraine needs to receive anti-air defense systems,” stressed Dmytro Kuleba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, on CNN. “Ballistic missiles are very difficult to intercept. The only way to do so is to have anti-air defense systems like the Patriot. This is the only means to intercept these missiles. I don’t know how many more tragedies like this need to occur before new commitments are made.”

While Ukraine already possesses several anti-air defense systems, Kiev insists that it is not sufficient. They are further emphasizing another repeated request, echoed by President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday. The Ukrainian president seeks approval from allies to carry out deep strikes on Russian territory using long-range missiles. This would enable Ukraine to target Russian military bases from where aircraft launch missiles into the country. However, Kiev’s partners, particularly the United States, currently decline due to fears of further escalating the conflict.