Brave Dog Nailed to Train Tracks Finds a Loving Home: A Tale of Resilience...

Unknown Individuals Nail Dog to Train Tracks: Then Things Take an Unexpected Turn San Antonio, Texas, USA - In a shocking case of animal cruelty,...

Prigoschins Jet Crash: Assassination Attempt or Tragic Accident?

Prigoschins Jet Crash: Was it an Assassination Attempt? The Russian aviation authority Rosaviatsiya announced on Wednesday that the name of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of...

Premier League postpones Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United Leeds due to lack of police

Liverpool's match with Chelsea is among the Premier League matches that have been postponed this weekend London (AFP) - The Premier League announced, on...

Filipino Drag Queen Fights for Freedom to Express Faith

Filipino Drag Queen Fights for Freedom to Express Faith Manila (AFP) - When Filipino drag queen Amadeus Fernando Pagente dressed up as Jesus Christ and...

United States: Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos and fallen star of Silicon Valley, sentenced...

The 38-year-old entrepreneur claimed to have developed a revolutionary machine for performing blood tests. The scam was exposed in 2015. Elizabeth Holmes, on November 18,...
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