Home Abandoned WWII Airstrip Reveals Surprising Relics in Remote Greenland – You Won’t Believe What They Found!

Abandoned WWII Airstrip Reveals Surprising Relics in Remote Greenland – You Won’t Believe What They Found!

by Bubbles

Memories of the past

Today, amidst the twisted metal, other interesting objects left behind by the Americans after their departure can be found. Glass shards marked with the Coca-Cola company logo litter the ground – a clear reminder of the aviators’ brief occupation of the airfield.

Alongside the excavation machinery, other static pieces remain. The boilers and ovens that once heated and fueled the base are largely intact.

One of them even bears the mark of the New York company that built it. The surrounding buildings, however, have long since collapsed. Other pieces of equipment are also visible.

A radio mast has collapsed, its structure pointing towards a stretch of water where icebergs ominously drift. And the radios themselves are still there too. But they are nothing but decaying metal boxes, lying in the middle of an icy plain.

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